Start Your Business
If you have a great business idea and need some help making it official, LegalZing makes it simple and helps make your business #official. Need help with your very first LLC? It’s on the house!
Form Your Entity
+ state filing fees
If you have a great business idea and need some help making it official, LegalZing makes it simple and helps make your business #official. Need help with your very first LLC? We're here to assist!
How can we best serve you?
Entity Formation
You may have already figured out what you want your business to look like but deciding the type of entity needed and figuring out the process for receiving it can be a bit tricky. LegalZing can help you look at all of your options and find the best fit for your small business!
Licenses & Forms
Deciding on the necessary forms and licenses for your business can be a difficult task. LegalZing is ready to assist you in obtaining your Tax ID and any permits needed for your unique business. We can help you decide on the best options and craft a clear plan to get there!
Business Planning
You shouldn’t have to do everything. And now you don’t have to! Our team of professionals can help organize your schedule, manage your inbox, gather data and research, coordinate projects, and whatever else you need to take off your plate! Let our team help you struggle and juggle less.
Strategy & Coaching
At the heart of LegalZing is the desire to educate, inspire, and grow our entrepreneurs. Even if you are unsure of what to do, where to begin, or even if business ownership is right for you, we have a team of business advisors that are excited to help consult and coach you from start to finish!
Form Your Entity
Looking to make your business #official, but want to do it the right way? LegalZing offers a variety of start-up packages to get your business legalized and headed in the right direction. Find an entity formation package that best suits you.
$79 + state filing fees
Preparation and Filing of Articles of Organization
Digital Copies of State Filing Confirmation
Business Website Exclusive Offer
$199 + state filing fees
Preparation and Filing of Articles of Organization
Digital Copies of State Filing Confirmation
Business Website Exclusive Offer
EIN Business Tax Number
Operating Agreement
Business Tax Consultation
$350 + state filing fees
Preparation and Filing of Articles of Organization
Digital Copies of State Filing Confirmation
Business Website Exclusive Offer!
EIN Business Tax Number
Operating Agreement
Business Tax Consultation
Banking Resolution
Registered Agent Service for one year
Areas of Service
We know the beginning stages of starting a business can be difficult. Choosing the correct entity, obtaining the correct licenses and permits, building a firm business and marketing plan are all crucial but can be overwhelming. Our process is simple, transparent, and we have a team of experts waiting to assist you along the way!
Business Planning
Business Plan Formation
A business plan covers the when, where, why, and how of your business!
Financial Planning/Budgets
Sometimes money and financial planning can be intimidating. However, this is a necessary and crucial step in the business planning process. We can help create budgets, financial goals, cash flow analysis, and other aspects of financials that will help you crush your goals, and even impress financial investors or lenders.
Licenses & Forms
As a Business Owner, you will be asked for your Employer Identification Number (EIN) or your Tax ID Number at some point in your entrepreneur career. It is crucial that your company has this covered, and although it sounds complicated, our LegalZing advisors are ready and willing to jump into this with you.
Take the necessary steps to ensure your business success by asking a LegalZing advisor about how to get your EIN!
Sales Tax Permit
If you are selling and reselling goods, more than likely you will need to apply for your Sales Tax and Use permit.
LegalZing is ready to help! We can help you walk down the proper path to get your Sales Tax Permit ready to go for your business!
Independent Contractors
Employee or Independent Contractor? This is a tale as old as time! There are lots of little questions that go into this decision, and sometimes your company may benefit from both or none. Before embarking down this path alone, leaving room for potential disaster, let LegalZing help not only decide if one of these options is right for you but craft a clear plan to get there!
Entity Formation
The LLC or Limited Liability Company is the newest form of business incorporation, and is often described as a combination of a corporation and a partnership. Over 80% of small businesses are LLCs, and for many good reasons. With less requirements and more flexible ownership options than the other entities, LLCs provide business owners with limited liability protection. This means that the company assets are typically owned by the LLC and are separate from the personal assets from that of the LLC owner(s).
A C corporation, or C-Corp often just called a generic corporation is the oldest and one of the most common business entities. A C corporation is a completely separate tax and legal entity from its owners.
When you look at all of the requirements placed on C corporations, you might wonder why anyone would form one. The C-Corp does offer several unique benefits. While all business entities can provide fringe benefits to its owners and/or employees, the Corporation allows for a greater range of fringe benefits. Forming a C-Corp is also advantageous to corporate tax treatment and income splitting. The tax rate on corporate income is usually lower than the tax rate on personal income up to the first $75,000 in income. The owners can arrange salaries and bonuses in conjunction with retained corporate earnings to lower their overall tax rate.
An S corporation is a special type of corporation that draws its designation from Subsection S of the tax code. To start an S corporation, a small business owner starts a C corporation, then files a Form 2553.
S-Corps do have more operating requirements and ownership restrictions than an LLC, but they also have significant advantages. One advantage of the S Corporation is that like the LLC it receives pass-through taxation.
Pass through taxation simply means that federal income tax is not assessed at the entity level; profits are distributed in the form of dividends and flow through to the individual tax returns of the shareholders, and the IRS taxes the shareholders at their individual income tax rate and not at the entity or corporation level. Unlike an LLC, Forming an S Corporation can give you the ability to minimize payroll and self-employment taxes, resulting in significant savings in certain situations.
A Non Profit corporation is a corporation whose principal purpose is public benefit. It provides a shield against potential liability for its directors, officers and employees. If classified correctly with the IRS, nonprofits are exempt from federal, sales, and property taxes.
Despite this entity’s name, a Non Profit Corporation may generate a profit. Non Profit does not literally mean that a your corporation cannot make a profit. A Non Profit Corporation can acquire more income than it spends on its exempt purpose. This profit can be utilized for operating expenses, including salaries. However, a Nonprofit Corporation may not utilize its income to profit any director or officer.
Registered Agent
An LLC registered agent is an individual or entity that you choose to receive service of process notices, government correspondence, and compliance-related documents on behalf of the LLC.
We know the term “agent” seems like someone who’s authorized to represent an individual or an entity or enter into transactions for an individual or an entity, however, here it’s a little different. Ask a LegalZing advisor about our registered agent service!
Employee Handbook & Policies
At some point, your company will grow, and the question is are you ready to handle employees! Managing a team is more complex than one might realize. Having a structure in place for employees is not only wise, but it also helps protect you as the business owner from unnecessary hardships!
Our LegalZing advisors are ready to walk through with you what it looks like to create an employee handbook and safely implement policies and procedures that will help your company grow!
Not every business needs to go down the path of trademarking or copyrighting its material. However, this option may be important for you and your company.
Our LegalZing advisors will walk you through a simple checklist to determine whether or not this is a valid and important step for your company. If it is something that your company can benefit from, then our trusted advisors will gladly handle this process for you!
Strategy & Coaching
Marketing Strategy & Planning
Proper marketing is crucial to the success of every business. It is easy to sink tens of thousands of dollars in marketing plans, online agencies, google ads, print materials, etc, and see little to no results.
Having a plan in place for your marketing structure is absolutely required for your success. Many businesses fail because of improper planning for marketing.
Before your start writing checks to various marketing agencies, let’s work on a structure, a way to measure results, and determine if it’s the best course of action for your business.
Business Coaching & Advising
At the heart of LegalZing is the desire to educate, inspire, and grow our entrepreneurs. Even if you are unsure of what to do, where to begin, or even if business ownership is right for you, we have a team of business advisors that are excited to help consult and coach you from start to finish!
E-Commerce vs. Traditional
In today’s world, every business that is in the business of selling goods needs to be prepared to go fully online. Business owners have learned this through the hardships of COVID-19, and that requires a new set of skills.
LegalZing is fully equipped to not only advise you on the process of taking your business fully online but also to determine the best route to take in order to get there!
Also, even if you are not retail orientated and are service-based, let our trusted advisors walk through how to make sure you are set up to not only survive but thrive in a fully automated and online world!
Running a business should be pushing you towards your goals and dreams, not living a life of confusion or even fear. LegalZing exists to create a new atmosphere for small business owners. We are focusing on the complicated aspects of the business, with the goal of helping you take the leap into business ownership that you have dreamed about doing!
One of the key differences at LegalZing is we view this as a team approach. We are going to walk through the process with you, start to finish, top to bottom! No longer is this something you have to do on your own, with your fingers crossed hoping you didn’t mess something up. Now, you have a team of Business Professionals waiting to walk through this experience with you.
Not sure where to start?
Your first consultation with LegalZing is always free! We know sometimes it can be very difficult to even know where to begin. We want to make sure your concerns are addressed, fears eliminated, and the simple factor is increased. Reach out for a free consultation today!
The simple way to start, grow or manage your business.
We are over the wasted time, high costs, and ridiculously wordy documents. It’s time for small business owners and entrepreneurs, just like you, to have a resource that is simple, cost-effective, and respectful of your time. Become a LegalZing Member and get affordable access to one of our partnering attorneys or connect with us for any of our start, grow or manage services.
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Start your business. Grow your business. Manage your business.
Wherever you are, LegalZing is ready to meet you where you're at. Don't waste time wasting time. Let's begin by starting, growing or managing your business today.
Need help with something else?
If you already have an existing company but need some help getting it to where you’ve always dreamed––better branding or perhaps a new website––LegalZing can help!
Already have an existing business, but need a little help juggling all the rest? LegalZing can become almost like a part of the team and help manage your business well.